How to Show Related Products on Magento Store?

Whenever a potential customer shows interest in buying a product from a Magento store, the store owners always lays emphasis to increase the average order value by engaging them. In fact, it’s more important to engage the live visitor on the store as compared to attracting the new user to the store who wish to make a purchase. Here is the reason for this.

related products magento 2 extension
How to Show Related Products on Magento Store?

Failing to engage the visitors leads to poor user-experience resulting in an increased bounce rate which in turn makes all your marketing efforts go in vain.

How can you increase the revenue from your Magento powered online store?

Simple answer, by the use of Magento default features. Magento provides in-built features to increase the average order value utilizing two highly effective marketing techniques: upselling and cross-selling.

These two marketing tactics have been found of great help to increase sales revenue growth over time. No doubt, these strategies will not yield results overnight but their implementation turns to increased revenue in the long run.

If you want to sell more and faster, here is what can be done with Magento built-in features.

The Magento stores can easily be configured for up-selling and cross-selling.

The store owner has three choices to pick from:

1. Related Products
In this, the store admin can showcase the related products that the customer is currently viewing. The possible placements can be:
a) Bottom of the product page
b) Right sidebar of the product page

2. Up-sell Products
Display superior products either in price, features, quality or version. The available placements are:
a) Bottom of the product page

3. Cross-Sell Products
Display items as last-minute purchases when the shopper is on the shopping cart. In this, the available placements will be:
a) Cart Page

Although, these built-in features provide the ability to scale revenue to an extent but on the other face, they also possess some limitations.

Let's deep dive into the limitations one by one.

The default features provided by the Magento stores are easy to set-up and operate but these features are basic with limited product placement options.

The default cross-sell, up-sell & related products feature provided by Magento is capable of handling a limited number of products. But, what happens when the store handles a large number of products? Looks to be a time-consuming task! The scalability hampers performance and ease.

Now, let's have a look at the possible solutions to deal with these issues.

The good thing is that Magento is flexible enough to install third-party extensions that can perform the intended task that cannot be accomplished by Magneto 2 built-in features.

In this scenario also, where built-in Magento store features cannot deal while scaling the Magento store, the Magento 2 Extensions provide effective solutions to possibly cater to all the challenges posed by built-in Magento features for product suggestions.

The Magento 2 Extension that can surely handle this problem is Auto Related Product Magento 2 Extension.

magento 2 auto related products extension
Auto Related Product  Magento 2 Extension

Now the question is, what this Magento Extension does and how it performs better than built-in features with the aim to increase the average order value. Let's answer these questions one at a time beginning with a small introduction about Auto Related Product Magento 2 Extension.

So, what exactly is Auto Related Product Magento 2 Extension?

In the layman language, this Magento 2 extension enables the store owners to display related products to up-sell and cross-sell products in a hassle-free manner. No matter, how many products your store handles, the ‘Auto-Related Product Magento 2 Extension,’ can tackle everything smoothly with minimum efforts. Moreover, scalability is not an issue with ‘Auto Related Product  Magento 2 Extension.’

Here is the Auto Related Product Magento 2 Extension feature list.

The foremost feature that makes Auto Related Products Magento 2 Extension better is that it displays the related products based on the categories and attributes. This is the major feature that attempts to neutralize built-in features provided by Magento.

The categories and attributes allow the store admin to shortlist the products to display related products with laser targeting that insist the customer to checkout with the related products along with the main product.

Another exquisite feature is filtering all the products by the price that needs to be displayed. The store admin has three choices for the products to be displayed:
a) Display related products with the same price.
b) Display related products with lesser price.
c) Display related products at a higher price.

So, in accordance to the run-time scenarios, the admin can select any of these three attributes to display the related products.

And here is the most premium feature provided by Auto Related Product  Magento 2 Extension is that it allows the admin to decide the number of related products to be displayed for suggestions.


  • Suggesting a huge list of related products can drive the customer into a dilemma for product selection.
  • Suggesting limited related products can leave the customer frustrated due to lack of product choices
In addition to this, the Auto Related Product  Magento 2 Extension also enables the store admins to sort the products that have to be displayed.

The last but not the least, the Auto Related Product  Magento 2 Extension is easy to install and configure with any Magento theme. The custom theme design is not at all a barrier in the installation and configuring of the Auto Related Product  Magento 2 Extension.

Make sure that you don’t miss the opportunity to buy Auto Related Product Magento 2 Extension on discount. Limited Period Offer!

So, what are you waiting for? Buy Auto Related Product Magento 2 Extension now!


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