How to reduce the bounce rate of your website?

User engagement is a metric for an individual’s response to your content online. The content can be a product, service or a website. It is determined directly through the interaction and the user behaviors.

The prominent factor for the referencing the user engagement is “Bounce Rate”. What is bounce rate? How to reduce bounce rate? How does Bounce Rate affect the user engagement? This has been a word of mouth for the Digital Marketing companies from the last couple of years.

What is Bounce Rate?
So, let’s start with what exactly is bounce rate. You might have heard about the bounce rate in the Google Analytics report or in web designing discussion.

Bounce rate is an internet marketing metric used in web traffic analysis. The bounce rate is defined as the percentage of traffic (visitors) who lands on the website but leaves (bounce) in spite of rendering the same website.

Bounce rate is the measure of visit quality. A high bounce rate indicates that the landing page of the website is not relevant to the visitors or the visitor does not find anything worth its search.

How to calculate the bounce rate?
The bounce rate is calculated by dividing a total number of visitors to a webpage who left without any interaction by the total number of visitors to a webpage.

What are the reasons for the bounce rate?
The bounce rate can never minimize to 0%. The requirement of the visitor and the service offered by the website will never be satisfied completely. Moreover, different people vary in their behavior when it comes to rendering the web pages.

Here are some reasons which lead to a high bounce rate.
  • Slow page load times
    No one likes slowly loading web pages. You can check your website speed with speed testing tools such as Pingdom tools, Google’s page speed insights etc. There can be a number of reasons causing your web to load slowly. They can be:
    •     Use of cheap hosting
    •     Use of over-sized images which can’t be downloaded quickly
    •     Use of custom fonts that has to be downloaded to display text
    •     Use of sliders and JavaScript effects
  • Visitors seeing something unexpected and unrelated to what the want
  • Lack of search string visibility
  • Targeting the wrong audience to the landing page
  • Poor grammar and spelling mistakes on the web page
  • Poor quality website quality
  • Ugly landing pages
  • Use of attention-grabbing images that steal the call to action (CTA)
  • Puzzling proceeding steps
  • Asking unnecessary or irrelevant information from the visitor
  • Website lacking mobile responsiveness
This was all about the justifying high bounce rates. Now it’s the time to go through the solutions to minimize the bounce rate. Some of them are as follow:
  • Improve your content’s readability
  • Avoid pop-ups. It distracts the visitors.
  • Create a compelling Call-to-Action
  • Keep the website content fresh
  • Target keywords with high-value traffic
  • Attract the right visitors
  • Use attractive meta description
  • Create multiple landing pages for high volume keywords
  • Speed up tour page load time
  • Open external links in the new tabs
  • Make sure your site is mobile responsive
So, this was all about to decrease your bounce rate and boost conversion rate. Few of these strategies will provide quick results while some of them will take the time to express results.

Always keep in mind that content is the king. Even if you reduce the bounce rate without high-quality content, its risk to shoot up will always be high in future.

All in all, to map your growth, you have to frame an effective and efficient content strategy. Not only this, make sure that you follow this strategy consistently. This will gradually increase your site visitors. As you satisfy your audience, they will gradually refer others about you – thus improving your search traffic, inbound links, and lead generation.

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